Fungsi Komunikasi Kelompok dalam Progam Serap Gabah (Sergab) (Kasus pada Kelompok Tani Sri Rahayu Desa Purwosari, Kecamatan Babadan, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur)
The Function of Group Communication
in the Unhulled Rice Grains Subsidiary Program / Serap Gabah (Sergab),
(Case in Sri Rahayu Farmers Group of Purwosari Village,
Babadan Sub-District, Ponorogo Regency)
The Serap Gabah Program (Sergab) is a national program set up to tackle the falling
rice prices at the farmers' level at the time of harvest. The launching of the program is in
line with the instruction of the President of Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with
the rural military officer / Babinsa, Extension Agent/PPL, and the Logistics Agency of
Bulog. As a new program in agriculture, Sri Rahayu Farmers Group in Purwosari
Village, Babadan Sub-District, Ponorogo Regency is one of the farmer groups that
received the Sergab program. This study aims to determine the application of group
communication functions in Sergab program at Sri Rahayu Farmer Group of Purwosari
Village, Sub-District of Babadan, Ponorogo Regency. The sampling technique is using
simple random sampling method. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis.
Based on the descriptive analysis of group communication function in the Serap Gabah
(Sergab) program at Sri Rahayu Farmer Group of Purwosari Village, Babadan
Subdistrict, Ponorogo Regency is categorized as good enough with achievement score
of 3.21. The farmer members of Sri Rahayu Farmer Group should be more active in
taking the agricultural extension program of Sergab, so that they gain insights from the
information given by the extension agents of PPL, chairman of Sri Rahayu Farmer
Group is expected to actively encourage his members to follow Sergab program and
Agricultural Extension as the activator of the Sergab program to further improve
communication skills, especially persuasive communication, so that the persuasive
communication function in the implementation of Sergab program can be well