• Ni Wayan Suastini Universitas Udayana


One of the most prominent dimensions of the diversity of the Indonesian people is ethnic or ethnic diversity. An ethnic group or ethnic group is a group of people whose members identify themselves with each other, usually based on lineages that are considered equal. Ethnic identity is characterized by recognition from others of the group's characteristics such as cultural similarity, language, religion, behavior, and biological characteristics.The many ethnic or ethnic groups in Indonesia, where the ethnic groups embrace their respective regions, some are still intact authenticity and some are already extinct authenticity or character of these ethnic groups. However, how about the existence of ethnic or ethnic groups which are the wealth of the Indonesian people so that they do not disappear and later only the name remains, that is still a question for us, so in this paper the author discusses the sustainability of the ethnic groups in Indonesia. educational point of view.Ethnicity or ethnicity which is the wealth of the Indonesian people will be even stronger because it has been regulated in Law 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System in its implementation as outlined in the culture and character-based curriculum and in clarification again with the enactment of the curriculum in 2013. Ethnic recognition has already been began to be formed through the path of basic education, secondary education to higher education. Therefore schools as formal education agents must be able to design a curriculum that implements the above objectives, one of which is through a curriculum based on national character education


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How to Cite
SUASTINI, Ni Wayan. MAINTAINING ETHNICS OF A NATION IN INDONESIA THROUGH EDUCATION. International Conference on Cultural Studies, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 61-68, aug. 2019. ISSN 2686-5173. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.