• Made DwiAmbara Putra


Homogeneous method describe as a method that does not require separation of free and bound label. This method has the ability tofully automate the determination of LDL-C directly small sample volume sand short examination time. In addition this method use automated pipette and control of time and temperature more accurate. There are 5 methods i.e. Solubilization homogeneous LDL-C assay (SOL) from KyowaMedex, Surfactant LDL-C assay (SUR) from Daiichi Pure Chemicals, Protecting LDL-assay reagent (PRO) from Wako Chemicals, LDL-C assaycatalase (CAT) Denka Seiken and Calixarene of LDL-C assay (CAL) from International Reagents Corporation. All method is to use a variety of detergents and other chemicals that cause blocking or dissolution of specific lipoprotein classes to achieve specificity for LDL.


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Author Biography

Made DwiAmbara Putra
FakultasKedokteran, UniversitasUdayana
How to Cite
DWIAMBARA PUTRA, Made. LDLCHOLESTEROLEXAMINATION (LDL-C) USINGHOMOGENEOUS ASSAY. E-Jurnal Medika Udayana, [S.l.], p. 1197-1212, july 2013. ISSN 2303-1395. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eum/article/view/5813>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


homogenous assay, LDL, lipoprotein