• Dhea Gracia Eliani Sampe Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran dan Profesi Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
  • Dewi Sutriani Mahalini Department of Pediatrics
  • Komang Ayu Witarini Department of Pediatrics


Bacterial meningitis in neonates is inflammation of the meninges in response to bacteria that can occur during the first 28 days of life. Bacterial meningitis is a serious problem causing neonatal deaths with various influencing factors. This research was conducted to obtain data regarding the characteristics of risk factors for bacterial meningitis in neonates at RSUP Prof. Dr. IGNG Ngoerah Denpasar. This study is retrospective, and data was taken from medical records of neonatal patients treated in the 2021-2022 period. Data are presented descriptively with sample determination using a total sampling technique. From a total of 45 samples that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, it was found that most cases of neonatal bacterial meningitis occurred at premature gestational age <37 weeks (64.4%), 0-72 hours age group (64.4%), male gender. (51.1%), low birth weight <2500 grams (64.4%), history of asphyxia (51.1%), clinical respiratory distress (82.2%), clinical neonatal sepsis (100%), clinical jaundice neonatorum (68.9%), and use of ventilator/NIV/CPAP (82.2%). However, in this study, only distribution was obtained based on premature rupture of membranes (20%), intrauterine infection (35.6%), congenital abnormalities (26.7%), and neonates with clinical seizures (6.7%). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the characteristic risk factors for neonates with bacterial meningitis, namely birth to mothers with preterm or premature gestational age, are more common in neonates aged 0-72 hours, which are associated with clinical EONS, male gender, LBW, history of asphyxia, clinical respiratory distress, clinical neonatal jaundice, and use of ventilator/NIV/CPAP.

Keywords : Neonatal bacterial meningitis, characteristics, risk factors


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Author Biography

Dewi Sutriani Mahalini, Department of Pediatrics

Dewi Sutriani Mahalini is my full name, Balinese, I was born in Singaraja-Bali, on 27 June 1970.  I graduated from high school “SMAN 1 Singaraja” in 1988. I was accepted as a student of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University in 1998 (by PMDK line). I completed education as general practitioner in 1995.  After graduating, I work to perform obligation as physician in Atabae Public Health Center (Puskesmas Atabae), Bobonaro District, East Timor Province for 1 year. I proceeded to work as a general practitioner for 2 years at Ubud II Public Health Center  (Puskesmas Ubud II), Gianyar Regency, Bali.

I continued my professional education at Children's Health Sciences Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana, and graduated in 2006. In January 2008, I accepted as a lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. In order to strengthen science in the field of pediatric neurology,  I then participated as fellowship in Pediatric Neurology Division, Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSCM)/Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. In 2019 I finally completed the highest academic education program (Doctoral Program), in the field Biomedical Science, at Universitas Udayana.

As a lecturer, I was in charge of teaching medical students, both on the preclinic level and professional level (KO-AS). I also work as a consultant of neurological diseases/disorders (pediatric neurology) and supervising residents of the Children's Health Sciences Education Program in Sanglah General Hospital (RSUP) Denpasar, Bali.  As a pediatrician and a lecturer, we also consent to clinical research and guiding students/residents in the research. The researches that has been done in Sanglah Hospital and Bali Province are epilepsy in children, meningitis in children, acute viral encephalitis in children especially Japanese encephalitis, as well as the most pediatric neurology diseases in Bali.

As a pediatrician, I am also involved in a professional organization. Until recent, I became a member of the Indonesian Association of Doctors (IDI) since 1995; has been a member of the Indonesian Pediatrician Society (IDAI) of Bali Branch since 2006 and became a member of the Neurology Working Group Unit (UKK) of Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) since 2011.  In International level, I am also as a "Life Membership" of the AOCNA (Asian and Oceanian Child neurology Association) since 2020. In the future, I hope can work better as lecturer, a pediatrician, and researcher.

How to Cite
SAMPE, Dhea Gracia Eliani; MAHALINI, Dewi Sutriani; WITARINI, Komang Ayu. CHARACTERISTICS OF RISK FACTORS FOR BACTERIAL MENINGITIS IN NEONATES AT RSUP PROF. DR. I.G.N.G NGOERAH DENPASAR. E-Jurnal Medika Udayana, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 6, p. 95-101, june 2024. ISSN 2303-1395. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: