An analysis of Particularized Iplicature in to All the Boys I Loved Always and Forever: Pragmatics Approach

  • Valeryan Salsabilla Maurarochelle Putera Batam University
  • Ambalegin Ambalegin Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia


The aimed of this research is to examine the part of the particularized conversational implicature and flouting of maxim found in a Netflix movie, named To All the Boys I Loved : Always and Forever. The researcher used the particularized conversational implicature theory by Yule (1996) to identify the utterances and the flouting of maxim by Grice (1976) to categorize the type. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher used the interview method by Sudaryanto to collect data, the pragmatic identity method by Sudaryanto to analyze the data, and used the informal method by Sudaryanto to present the research result. The researcher collected twenty one data that contain particularized conversational implicature, and eight of the data categorized as flouting of maxim quality, four data categorized as flouting of maxim quantity, five data categorized as flouting of maxim relevant and four data categorized as flouting of maxim manner.The result concludes that out of the twenty one analyzed data, flouting of the maxim relevant in the particularized conversational implicature is the most used apply in the movie.


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Author Biography

Ambalegin Ambalegin, Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia

Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia


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How to Cite
MAURAROCHELLE, Valeryan Salsabilla; AMBALEGIN, Ambalegin. An analysis of Particularized Iplicature in to All the Boys I Loved Always and Forever: Pragmatics Approach. e-Journal of Linguistics, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 158--168, may 2023. ISSN 2442-7586. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025.