Keberadaan bakteri patogen pada sampel pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar di Pulau Sapeken, Sumenep, Jawa Timur

  • Ivani Dayanara Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana, Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali 80361 – Indonesia
  • Retno Kawuri Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana, Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Badung, Bali
  • Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana, Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Badung, Bali


School children snacks are food that is found and routinely consumed by children in the school environment.
Good and healthy food must be free from hazardous and toxic materials, such as microbial contamination,
chemicals and other materials. The consumed food must meet the microbial contamination requirements
based on SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) safety testing. Pathogenic bacteria still a serious problem in
various countries including Indonesia, since they are capable of causing foodborne diseases. Sapeken Island
is located in Sapeken Village, Sapeken District, Sumenep Regency, East Java Province. The purpose of the
study was to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria in samples of snacks for school children on
Sapeken Island. The method used was the Most Probable Number (MPN) for Escherichia coli, Test Number
of Bacillus sp., Test Number of Staphyllococcus sp., Identification of Salmonella, and Total Plate Count
(TPC). The test results obtained in the MPN of Escherichia coli included SD M (9.9 ± 3.8) MPN / g, SD 5
(8.68 ± 2.73) MPN / g, SD IT (5.08 ± 0.66) MPN / g, and SD 4 (4.26 ± 2.44) MPN / g exceed the SNI limit.
JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA 23(2): 60-71 P ISSN: 1410-5292 E ISSN: 2599-2856
The results of JPT E. coli in snack empek-empek at SD I and SD 2, and JPT E. coli ojek in all elementary
schools is <3 MPN / g. The results of the empek-empek and ojek samples in all elementary schools for all
tests with the parameter number Bacillus sp. is <1 x 103, the number of Staphylococcus sp. is <1 x 102,
Salmonella identification is negative, TPC is <1 x 105 CFU / g. The conclusion of the study is snack for
school children (empek-empek) and ojek on Sapeken Island does not contain contamination of pathogenic
bacteria Escherichia coli, Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Salmonella identification, and TPC, except for
the JPT E. coli test on empek empek in SD M, SD 5, SD IT and SD 4 that exceed SNI limits.


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How to Cite
DAYANARA, Ivani; KAWURI, Retno; YULIHASTUTI, Dwi Ariani. Keberadaan bakteri patogen pada sampel pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar di Pulau Sapeken, Sumenep, Jawa Timur. Jurnal Biologi Udayana, [S.l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 68-79, dec. 2019. ISSN 2599-2856. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2025. doi: