Pengaruh Pemberian Uap Etanol dan Emulsi Lilin Lebah Terhadap Mutu dan Masa Simpan Buah Salak Gulapasir
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian uap etanol dengan konsentrasi larutan yang berbeda dan konsentrasi emulsi lilin lebah yang berbeda, sebagai bahan pelapis terhadap mutu serta masa simpan salak Gulapasir dan menentukan ragam konsentrasi yang tepat untuk mempertahankan mutu buah salak Gulapasir. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu perlakuan etanol dengan 3 tingkat konsentrasi (0%, 10% dan 20%) dan konsentrasi emulsi lilin lebah (0%, 1%, 2%, dan 3%). Salak Gulapasir sebagai kontrol disiapkan tanpa perlakuan etanol dan pelapisan lilin lebah. Percobaan dikelompokkan menjadi tiga kelompok. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap lima hari sampai hari ke 15. Parameter yang diamati meliputi susut bobot, kekerasan, total padatan terlarut, total asam titrasi, intensitas kerusakan, color difference dan uji organoleptik. Hasil sidik ragam menunjukan bahwa interaksi perlakuan uap etanol dan pelapisan lilin lebah berpengaruh nyata terhadap susut bobot, kekerasan, intensitas kerusakan, color difference, dan uji organoleptik rasa, aroma warna sedangkan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap total padatan terlarut dan total asam. Kombinasi perlakuan etanol dengan konsentrasi 20% (E20) dengan pelapisan 1% (K1) dengan karakteristik yang dihasilkan nilai rata-rata susut bobot 21,04%, kekerasan 37,34 N, intensitas kerusakan 6,79%, total padatan terlarut 21,04 0Brix, total asam 0.59%, color difference 26,14. Demikian pula uji organo memiliki nilai rata-rata dari panelis untu rasa 3,57, aroma 3,27, dan warna 3.51.
The aim of this study is to know the effect of ethanol vapor with different consentration and different concentration of beeswax emulsion, as a coating material that can preserve the quality and shelf life of salak Gulapasir. This research used a factorial randomized block design with two factors which are ethanol vapor treatment with 3 levels of concentrations (0%, 10% and 20%) and variety concentration of beeswax emulsion (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%). Salak Gulapasir as control were prepared without treatment of ethanol vapor and beeswax emulsion, as a coating material. The experiment were devided into three groups. The observation is perfomed every five days until fifteenth day. The observed parameter of this research were weight loss, hardness, intensity of damage, total dissolved solids, total titrated acids, color difference and organoleptic test. The result of variance analysis showed that the interaction between ethanol vapor and beewax coating significantly affect the weight loss, hardness, intensity of damage, color difference, and organoleptic test. Whereas no significantly affect on total dissolved solids and total titrated acids. The combination of ethanol vapor of 20% (diluted in the water) and 1% concentration of beeswax emulsion as a coating material with the resulting characteristic weighted mean value of 21.04%, hardness 37.34 N, intensity of damage 6.79%, total dissolved solids 21, 04 0Brix, total acid 0.59%, color difference 26.14. Similarly, the organoleptic test has an average value of panelist for taste of 3.57, aroma 3.27, and color 3.51.
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