The Influence Of Understanding Tax Regulations, Taxation Socialization, Modern Administration Systems And Tax Sanctions On Cooperative Taxpayer Compliance
The motivation behind this research is because there are cases of fraudulent tax reporting committed by corporate taxpayers in Gresik Regency. In addition, the following study tries to test and examine how knowledge of the tax laws, tax socialization, contemporary administrative systems, and tax penalties serve to influence tax compliance. The occupants selected was cooperative taxpayers registered at the Gresik Regency Trade Industry Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, totaling 763 taxpayers. The selection was determined by probability sampling method, found as many as 88 respondents who were calculated using the slovin formula. Researchers conducted hypothesis testing through the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with SmartPLS software. The outcome prove that understanding tax regulations, tax socialization, and modern administrative systems a positive influence on taxpayer compliance is strong, while the influence of tax sanctions is quite negative.
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