Risk Identification Analysis of Management of State-Owned Goods (Case Study of ABC Work Unit)
This study assesses whether the risk identification process for State-Owned Goods (SOG) management at the ABC Office is aligned with PMK Number 222 of 2021 and KMK Number 105 of 2022. This study uses a qualitative case study methodology. The research findings were obtained from secondary data content analysis results and confirmed through semi-structured interviews with eight informants working at ABC Office as risk management or SOG managers. The results of this study indicate that the risk identification process of SOG management still needs to comply fully with the applicable regulations. This is because the risk event identification process tends to focus on the direction/concern of the risk owner unit leader, so several SOG management risks have yet to be identified. Therefore, the ABC Office must increase the role of the risk management unit in assisting the SOG management unit (risk owner) in determining the proper risk identification technique so that the main risks that are obstacles in SOG management can be identified.
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