Stabilitas Hasil Galur Baru Padi Sawah Preferensi Konsumen Sumatera Barat



Total rice field area in West Sumatera is 221.165 ha. The largest portion of irrigated rice is on 0 – 1200 m asl.
The major preference of Indonesia rice consumers, the West Sumatera consumers prefer high amylose content rice.
The availability of rice variety with high amylose is very limited; consequently, the dominant varieties planted by
the farmers were Cisokan and IR 42 that has been cultivated for more than 1 0 years. By single variant analyze for
genotype yield data were absolutely different. According to average yield of 21 grows environment, SPR85163-5-
1-2-4 line and S4362f-Kn-2-1-2 showed the sheet for each line 10 and 18% higher than Cisokan. The yield of both
variants were 4.68 – 7.62 t/ha and 3.24 – 7.83 t/ha, with average of yield was 6.06 and 6.48 t/ha, whereas Cisokan
yield was 3.32 – 7.89 t/ha with average of yield was 5.49 t/ha. According to data of turn yield and cross average of
environment grow SPR85163-5-1-2-4 line was superior in yield capacity and adaptation then Cisokan. In certain
environment grow; line S4362f-Kn-2-1-2 had the lower sheet yield than Cisokan and SPR85163-5-1-2-4. Stability
parameter analyze indicate that all genotype that were tested gave the stable respond to chance of condition in
21 environment grow, SPR85163-5-1-2-4 line was more stable than line S4362f-Kn-2-1-2, that was indicated by
contribution of each. Interaction of variant component Genotype x environment (interaction of G x L) for each
component was 15 and 23 %. The line of SPR85163-5-1-2-4 was able to yield 20% higher than line S4362f-Kn-2-
1-2 and 26% Cisokan variety at Guguk environment (850 a above se level), while SPR85163-5-1-2-4 line has the
best result until 700 m above sea level.


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Author Biography

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sumatera Barat
How to Cite
ZEN, SYAHRUL. Stabilitas Hasil Galur Baru Padi Sawah Preferensi Konsumen Sumatera Barat. AGRITROP, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.


Yield stability, consumers preference, new line