Deteksi Chrysanthemum B Carlavirus (CVB) pada Tanaman Krisan di Indonesia
In a survey of chrysanthemum growing fields and greenhouses in Brastagi, Sumatera Utara; Cianjur, JawaBarat; Malang, Jawa Timur; and Tabanan and Buleleng, Bali, some chrysanthemum cultivars were found showing
mild leaf mottling, vein-clearing or vein banding of leaves and slight loss of flower quality. Out of 287 samples
surveyed, the disease incidence ranged between 7.50% and 67.44%. Through DAS-ELISA, the saps extracted
from diseased plant samples, 34.84% were found to be positively reacted with serum anti-CVB, but not with sera
anti- CMV, -TSWV, -PVY and -TMV. The virus isolate was then designed as CVB Indonesian isolate. The virus
was sap-transmissible to narrow host range. The virus induced systemic symptom on Nicotiana benthamiana, N.
clevelandii, N. tabacum var. Burley, N. tabacum var. Havana; local necrotic lesion on Chenopodium amaranticolo,
C. quinoa and both local and systemic symptom on Petunia hybrida.
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How to Cite
TEMAJA, I G. R. M. et al.
Deteksi Chrysanthemum B Carlavirus (CVB) pada Tanaman Krisan di Indonesia.
AGRITROP, [S.l.], nov. 2012.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.
Chrysanthemum B carlavirus (CVB) Indonesian isolate, chrysanthemum, host range