Pemetaan Kepemilikan Lahan Sawah dan Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasis Geospasial di Subak Anggabaya, Umadesa, dan Umalayu Kecamatan Denpasar Timur

  • TUGMA JAYA MANALU Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana, Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar 80231 Bali
  • INDAYATI LANYA Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana, Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar 80231 Bali
  • I GUSTI PUTU RATNA ADI Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana, Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar 80231 Bali


Mapping of Land Ownership and Human Resources Based Geospatial in Subak Anggabaya, Umadesa, and Umalayu East Denpasar Subdisticts

 Subak Anggabaya, Umadesa, and Umalayu have been recommended as Suistainable Food Agriculture Land areas. To support it, information database on agricultural resources potential are needed to support Government Regulation number 25 of  2012. The role of mapping and information is needed for planning and monitoring in maintaining land use in Subak Anggabaya, Umadesa, and Umalayu.  The purposes of research: Knowing, inventorying and describing the ownership of paddy fields in Subak Anggabaya, Umadesa, and Umalayu which are highly recommended for LP2B, develop a database of human resources in each polygon of land ownership,designing a human resources information system. Research methods use: (1) literature study, (2) satellite image analysis, (3) tentative mapping of land ownership, (4) field survey, (5) arraging resources information. The results of research showed: land ownership maps in three subak totaling is 258 polygons, consisting of 96 polygons in Subak Anggabaya, 62 polygons in Subak Umadesa and 100 polygons in Subak Umalayu. The farmer's human resources database consists of the farmer's name, farmer's address, farmer's age, farmer's education, large, owner's name, owner's address, and profit sharing system. Land ownership map consisting of owner farmers and sharecroppers. Subak Anggabaya: owner (28 peoples) large 11,5 ha,sharecroppers (35 peoples) large 12,22 ha; Subak Umadesa: owner (22 peoples) large 3,93 ha, sharecroppers (20 peoples) large 7,10 ha; Subak Umalayu: owner (32 peoples) large 11,80 ha, sharecroppers (33 peoples) large 13,25 ha.


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How to Cite
MANALU, TUGMA JAYA; LANYA, INDAYATI; ADI, I GUSTI PUTU RATNA. Pemetaan Kepemilikan Lahan Sawah dan Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasis Geospasial di Subak Anggabaya, Umadesa, dan Umalayu Kecamatan Denpasar Timur. Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology), [S.l.], p. 166-179, aug. 2020. ISSN 2301-6515. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.