Language Style in the Advertisements Broadcast in Cassanova Bali Radio

  • Dewa Ayu Made Nadya Puspa Priani Udayana University
  • A.A. Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi Udayana University
  • I Gede Budiasa Udayana University


The study entitled Language Style in the Advertisements Broadcast in Cassanova Bali Radio are aimed to identify the types of language styles used and to analyze the linguistic features that are applied in Cassanova Bali radio advertisements. The data of this study was taken from six advertisement scripts on Cassanova Bali radio that broadcast from August 1st until August 30th 2017. These data were collected by using documentation method and analyzed by using qualitative method based on the theory proposed by Holmes (1992) and Grey (2008). After analyzing the data, vernacular language is the most common language style used by Cassanova Bali radio and found in five advertisements (17 sentences), meanwhile the standard language is rarely used by Cassanova Bali radio and only found in one advertisement (3 sentences). It was also found that Cassanova Bali radio used five linguistic features to attract more consumers and the most common feature is familiar language (24 words), followed by use of imperative (15 words), hyperbole (6 words), repetition (3 words) and simple vocabulary (3 words).


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How to Cite
PUSPA PRIANI, Dewa Ayu Made Nadya; SARI DEWI, A.A. Sagung Shanti; BUDIASA, I Gede. Language Style in the Advertisements Broadcast in Cassanova Bali Radio. Humanis, [S.l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 90-94, june 2019. ISSN 2302-920X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: