Peer Review Process

Pustaka aims to publish articles that uncover new depths in the study of humanities. These articles should be able to contribute to and advance our current understanding of Linguistic and Cultural Related. To ensure this, we employ a double-blind peer review, which means that both the reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process.

More specifically, our editorial process is as follows:

  1. Initial screening. All submissions are initially screened by the Editor-in-Chief for their conformity to Pustaka's scope and basic submission requirements and checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts that fail to abide by our ethical standards are immediately rejected, as are manuscripts that do not fit within the journal's scope.
  2. Reviewer assignment. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are then handed over to a section editor, who will select at least two relevant reviewers and initiate the peer review process.
  3. Peer review. During this stage, a reviewer will assess the content of the manuscript and provide its recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief.
  4. First decision. Once both (or more) reviewers have submitted their recommendations, the manuscript is either rejected, asked for revisions (minor or major), or accepted as is. If it is accepted, the manuscript is returned to the submitting author for proofreading. The final decision to accept the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief based on the recommendation of the section editor and following approval by the editorial board.
  5. Revision. A manuscript that requires revisions is returned to the submitting author, who will have up to four weeks to revise the manuscript. Once the revision is submitted, it is once again assessed by the section editor to determine whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author(s) sufficiently responded to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this step is repeated (the manuscript is returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).
  6. Final decision. Finally, the revised manuscript is either accepted or rejected, depending on whether the section editor has found the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the author(s) are unable to make the required changes or have done so to a degree below Pustaka’s standards, the manuscript is rejected.
  7. Language editing. Once the manuscript is accepted, it is returned to the submitting author for final editing of its language and content; these are changes that improve the readability of the article without changing the substance of the content. Pustaka requires authors to return the manuscript with proof that changes have been made, which the editorial board will review before ultimately greenlighting the manuscript for publication.
  8. Typesetting. Once greenlit, the manuscript is handed over to the journal’s typesetter. The final version of the article, as it will appear in Pustaka, is returned to the submitting author for proofreading and final approval.
  9. Publication. Congratulations! The published article will appear in the latest issue of Pustaka. The order of articles in each issue is subject to the editorial team's decision. As long as an issue hasn't been published, its article composition still possibly changes. Thus, some accepted articles will be published right in the next issue, while others will be saved for upcoming issues.