@article{pastura, author = {Charles L. Kaunang and Endang Pudjiastuti}, title = { UJI IN VIVO SILASE HIJAUAN PAKAN YANG DIPUPUK AIR BELERANG DAN PUPUK KANDANG PADA DOMBA}, journal = {Pastura}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, year = {2011}, keywords = {In vivo;, forage silage; sulfuric water; sheep}, abstract = {This research was aimed to investigate biological value of silage forage (panicium maximum CV. Riversdale + Centrocema pubescens) without fertilization and manure 25 ton/ha + sulfuric water 50%. The experiment used 12 sheep (average liveweight 34 kg) during 28 days laters. The result showed that forage silage treatment (P. maximum CV. Riversdale + C. pubescens) with manure 25 ton/ha and sulfuric water 50% positive respons to sheep performance.}, issn = {2549-8444}, pages = {19--23}, doi = {10.24843/Pastura.2011.v01.i01.p05}, url = {https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/pastura/article/view/1561} }