@article{BUM, author = {LUKAS SONBAIT and TRISIWI WIDAYATI}, title = { PEMBENAHAN MANAJEMEN UKM KELOMPOK PETERNAK AGRI MAKMUR DAN KELOMPOK PETERNAK ACAP DI DISTRIK PRAFI KABUPATEN MANOKWARI}, journal = {Buletin Udayana Mengabdi}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, year = {2015}, keywords = {}, abstract = {This Ipteks’ activities for society (IbM) have purpose to identify the real problem faced by farmers groupAgriMakmur and farmers group Acep in beef cattle cultivation. Methods offered to societies to solve conflictsbetween groups and improve management in each farmer group. Each group was given record-training about howto manage good business and sustainable finance management therefore standard of group management can beimproved. This method is expected to increase trust from members to team leaders from each group. Moreover,societies was offered some simple training about how to do daily standardised form/ standardized report withconsidering the education level of members so groups’ management qualit. This was hoped to make better andcreate good communication among members’ group. It was also to increase group performance and develop cattleof livestock population and the last one improve group farmer’s walfare. The result shows that both AgriMakmurand Acap farmers’ group have improved knowledge (Cognitive), skill (Psycho-motoric ) and Attitude ( Affective )in Cultivation management especially in managed skill of beef cattle, daily note/recording, business analysis andavoiding of conflicts among members and group.Keywords: group management, training, beef cattle}, issn = {2654-9964}, url = {https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jum/article/view/13208} }