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I Dewa Gede Yoga Priantara Sri Mulyani I Ketut Satriawan


Coffee is one of the main commodity than 40 national commodities and is the competitive
commodities in Bali. Bangli Regency are the regency with the highest total arabica coffee
production in Bali with total production of 2.476,541 tons. Of the four district in Bangli, the district
of Kintamani has the highest arabica coffee production amounted to 2.314 tons. The role of
government policy in the increased development of plantations not only to increase production but
is more geared to increasing value added . The added value gained from the development of
processed products are much higher when compared to primary products. This study aims to
determine the added value of the processing of arabica coffee in any processed products. This
research was conducted in the district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency in March until April 2016.
Selected respondent, namely 15 units of processing in the area of Kintamani. The analysis used
analysis of the value-added method Hayami of processing Hs coffee, Ose coffee and coffee powder.
Advantages of this method is the ease of use and provide comprehensive information for businesses
and investors.  The results showed that the added value obtained from processing Hs coffee Rp.
9.918 / kg, Ose coffee generated added value Rp. 40.749 / kg and coffee powder obtain added value
Rp. 118.057 / kg.

Keywords : Arabica coffee, value-added, Hayami method


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YOGA PRIANTARA, I Dewa Gede; MULYANI, Sri; SATRIAWAN, I Ketut. ANALISIS NILAI TAMBAH PENGOLAHAN KOPI ARABIKA KINTAMANI BANGLI. JURNAL REKAYASA DAN MANAJEMEN AGROINDUSTRI, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 4, p. 33 – 42, jan. 2017. ISSN 2503-488X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.

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