@article{JPSA, author = {Ida Ayu Kusumastuti and Made Jaya}, title = { ACTIVITY OF BAY LEAF EXTRACT (Eugenia polyantha) AS ANTI-INFLAMMATORY IN WHITE RAT (Rattus norvegicus)}, journal = {Journal Pharmaceutical Science and Application}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, year = {2022}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Background: Inflammation is the body's defense response against foreign body invasion, tissue injury, or both caused by microorganisms, mechanical trauma, chemical compounds, and physical factors. Anti-inflammatory agents can be used to treat inflammation. Bay leaves are one example of a plant that can be used. Ethanol extract and water extract of a bay leaf can be anti-inflammatory because they contain flavonoids. Â Objectives: The purpose of this study was to see how effective ethanol extract and aqueous extract of bay leaf were as anti-inflammatory agents in mice. Methods: This study employs a systematic literature review approach, descriptive qualitative research, and library research. Results: The most efficacious dose was 150 mg/kg BW at a 70 percent concentration and at an 80 percent concentration for ethanol extract of bay leaves, and 50 mg/kg BW for the aqueous extract of bay leaves. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that bay leaf (Eugenia polyantha) ethanol extract and aqueous extract have anti-inflammatory activities Keywords: Anti-inflammatory, Bay Leaf, Diclofenac sodium, Ethanol Extract, Aqueous}, issn = {2301-7708}, pages = {26--32}, doi = {10.24843/JPSA.2022.v04.i01.p04}, url = {https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jpsa/article/view/85577} }