Pengaruh saluran distribusi offline dan online travel agent dan implikasinya terhadap revenue per available room di the anvaya beach resort bali

  • Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri Politeknik Pariwisata Bali
  • Made Deny Kharisma Politeknik Pariwisata Bali
  • I Dewa Putu Hendri Pramana Politeknik Pariwisata Bali



Ketatnya persaingan yang terjadi dan mulai terdisrupsinya pasar Offline Travel Agent oleh Online Travel Agent menuntut pihak manajemen hotel mempertimbangkan secara selektif saluran distribusi mana yang harus dimaksimalkan guna meraih kinerja pendapatan kamar yang baik melalui Revenue per Available Room. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji bagaimana pengaruh penjualan kamar melalui saluran distribsui Offline Travel Agent dan Online Travel Agent secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap Revenue per Available Room. Hasil penelitian secara parsial dan simultan menunjukan bahwa saluran distribusi Offline Travel Agent dan Online Travel Agent berpengaruh positif (searah) dan signifikan terhadap Revenue per Available Room (RevPar). Hasil analisis koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai R2 para variabel saluran distribusi Offline Travel Agent sebesar 0,765 atau jika diinterpretasikan sebesar 76,5% dengan kontribusi yang kuat. Pada salurah distribusi Online Travel Agent nilai R2 sebesar 0,836 atau sebesar 83,6% dengan kontribusi yang sangat kuat. Sementara secara simultan nilai R2 sebesar 0,865 menunjukkan bahwa 86,5% variabel Revenue per Available Room dapat dijelaskan melalui kedua variabel bebas tersebut, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 13,5% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain diluar variabel penelitian. Sebagai kesimpulannya saluran distribusi Offline Travel Agent dan Online Travel Agent memiliki pengaruh dan kontribusi terhadap Revenue per Available Room, namun pengaruh dan kontribusi lebih besar dihasilkan oleh saluran distribusi Online Travel Agent.


Kata kunci: Saluran Distribusi, Offline Travel Agent, Online Travel Agent, dan Revenue per Available Room.



The competition that occurs and the disruption of the Offline Travel Agent market by Online Travel Agents demanding the hotel management to consider selectively which distribution channels should be maximized in order to achieve good room revenue performance through Revenue per Available Room. This study aims to find out and examine how the influence of room sales through Offline Travel Agent and Online Travel Agent distribution channels partially or simultaneously to Revenue per Available Room (RevPar). The results of the partial and simultaneous research show that the Offline Travel Agent and Online Travel Agent distribution channels have a positive (unidirectional) and significant effect on Revenue per Available Room. The results of the coefficient of determination analysis show that the R2 value of the Offline Travel Agent distribution channel variable is 0.765 or if interpreted at 76.5% with a strong contribution. On the line of Online Travel Agent distribution R2 value is 0.836 or 83.6% with a very strong contribution. While simultaneously the R2 value of 0.865 shows that 86.5% of the Revenue variable per Available Room can be explained through the two independent variables, while the remaining 13.5% is explained by other variables outside the research variable. In conclusion, Offline Travel Agent and Online Travel Agent distribution channels have influence and contribution to Revenue per Available Room, but greater influence and contribution is generated by the Online Travel Agent distribution channel.


Keywords: Distribution Channels, Offline Travel Agent, Online Travel Agent, and Revenue per Available Room.



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How to Cite
SASTRI PITANATRI, Putu Diah; KHARISMA, Made Deny; PRAMANA, I Dewa Putu Hendri. Pengaruh saluran distribusi offline dan online travel agent dan implikasinya terhadap revenue per available room di the anvaya beach resort bali. Jurnal Kepariwisataan dan Hospitalitas, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 1-8, apr. 2020. ISSN 2581-0669. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: