• Ida Bagus Putu Widiarta


Optimisation of public transport use (such as angkot or microbus) is
required due to the difficulty to increase the roadway capacity by widening of road
in order to manage supply. Therefore, an alternative approach is required by
managing transport demand so that the system can be controlled. This approach is
required especially for the new developed housing in Dalung Village, Badung
Regency. Dalung area (in North Kuta District) is part of Samigita development
project where the the number or people travelling to work are about 613 persons
(189 persons working in public service and 424 persons in private company). The
majority of people in this area are travelling by private vehicles. One aspect that
needs to be studied is the general cost for the journey to work both by private
vehicles (motor bikes) and public transport. Mode choice model used is Binomial
Logit Model. The model equation is Log {(1 – PP ) / PP} = 2,248 – 0,001 (CP –
CU). Results of analyses indicate that if the cost difference between public
transport and private transport increases, the probability of using private vehicles
will increase; Although the cost of the two modes of transportation is set at the same
cost, the majority of workers will still use private vehicles (about 79%), and this
is also the case even when the cost difference is Rp 2.800,00. The cost balance between private vehicles and public transport is achieved when the
cost of using private vehicles is about 1.4 times more than public transport cost.


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Author Biography

Ida Bagus Putu Widiarta
Dosen Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
How to Cite
PUTU WIDIARTA, Ida Bagus. ANALISIS PEMILIHAN MODA TRANSPORTASI UNTUK PERJALANAN KERJA. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, [S.l.], nov. 2012. ISSN 2541-5484. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.


Mode Choice, Journey to Work, Binomial Logit Model