Base on the existing conditions, garbage transportation in Amlapurastill faces problems. Garbage transportation in rush hour causes traffic jam. The
existing temporary garbage place (TPS) has not been designed and equipped with
devices that can separate organic and unorganic garbage, thus it is still mixed up
in one container. This condition needs a deeper attention in order to improve the
existing garbage transportation management. This research aims to improve the weakness of the current garbage transportation
system. The SNI No. 19-2454-2002 was used as an approached method to solve
this problem. In order to determine appropriate tariffs that can cover the
operational cost of garbage transportation, the method of financial assessment
was used namely Net Present value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and
Internal Rate of Return (IRR).
The garbage transportation system chosen for a compactor truck was fixed
container transportation mode and for an arm roll truck was empty container
tranportation mode. The number of vehicle required to carry out garbage
transportation in Amlapura was 4 compactor trucks for organic garbages, 3
compactor trucks for unorganic garbages, and a unit of arm roll truck for organic
and inorganic garbages. The reguired time for picking garbage was about six
hours per day. The numbers of TPS needed in Amlapura were 213 bin containers
with capacity of 0.36 m3 for organic TPS and 137 units for the unorganic. It was
also required 5 units of organic TPS and 3 units of the unorganic that using
containers with capacity of 4 m3. It was assumed that this investment would be
financed by 100% of bank loan. The result of this study shows that this
investment will be reliable if the applied tarrif is Rp.15.000/family/month for
household, Rp.25.000/room/month for hotel, Rp.5000/seat/month for restaurant,
Rp.30.000/unit/month for shop, Rp.20.000/unit/month for school and office, Rp.
30.000/seller/month for market trader, Rp. 30.000/month for small scale industry
and Rp. 40.000/month for middle scale industry.
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How to Cite
NADIASA, Mayun; SUDARSANA, Dewa Ketut; YASMARA, I Nyoman.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, [S.l.], aug. 2009.
ISSN 2541-5484.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 mar. 2025.
Garbage Transportation Design System, Organization, Investment, Retribution