@article{jfu, author = {Kadek Dewi and Gusti Dewi and Gusti Dewi and Ni Made Pangesti and Luh Putu Rahmasari and I Gusti Yuda and Yayanasri Yayanasri and Putu Devi and I Gusti Pramiari and Kadek Saputra and I Kadek Mahindra T. and I Gede Pradnyana and Kadek Liyani and I Gusti Putra and I Putu Kurniadinata and Ni Warditiani and Pande Made Sari and Ni Made Astuti}, title = { Review: Perbandingan Compounding Konvensional dan Modern dalam Pembuatan Sediaan Farmasi Berbahan Kunyit (Curcuma domesticaVal.)}, journal = {Jurnal Farmasi Udayana}, year = {2025}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Conventional compounding practices in traditional medicine have been established for many years; however, they often encounter challenges in ensuring product quality, consistency, and safety. This study aims to compare conventional and modern compounding methods in the preparation of pharmaceutical products derived from turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma domestica Val). The research employs a literature review, drawing from a selection of studies related to the formulation of these pharmaceutical products from accredited scientific databases. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively to evaluate the comparison between the two methods in terms of effectiveness, stability, safety, and cost. The findings reveal that both methods possess distinct advantages and disadvantages, offering valuable insights into key aspects of producing pharmaceutical preparations from turmeric rhizomes. Ultimately, this research enhances the understanding of each method's implications in pharmaceutical production, particularly within the realm of traditional medicine.}, issn = {2622-4607}, pages = {85--97}, doi = {10.24843/JFU.2024.v13.i02.p07}, url = {https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jfu/article/view/120030} }