Themes and Rhymes in the Text of Balinese Folklore "Men Mining": A Systemic Functional Linguistic Study

  • Ida Ayu Pristina Pidada Universitas Bali Dwipa


This study examines the themes and rhymes in the text of a Balinese folklore entitled “Men Mining”. The study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative research method. Words, clauses, and sentences were analyzed in the aid of simak method and bebas cakap technique. First of all, the data were grouped by themes and rhemes. Then, the themes were divided into interpersonal themes, textual themes, and topical themes. Finally, topical themes were divided into marked and unmarked topical themes. The results showed that in the first clause the Mén Mining text was dominated by marked topical themes, while in the second clause unmarked topical themes were found. Also, in the first clause an unmarked topical theme is found if it is studied more specifically. Marked topical themes refer to information that is present in front of the subject and unmarked topical themes refer to the absence of information at a position preceding the subject. In addition, textual themes found are in the form of conjunctions and continuative discourse markers. Interpersonal themes found are question words and forms of greeting words.


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How to Cite
PIDADA, Ida Ayu Pristina. Themes and Rhymes in the Text of Balinese Folklore "Men Mining": A Systemic Functional Linguistic Study. e-Journal of Linguistics, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 149--153, jan. 2024. ISSN 2442-7586. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 apr. 2024. doi:
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