@article{CK, author = {I Putu Ngurah Susilawan and I Made Siaka and I Made Parwata}, title = { VALIDASI METODE ANALISIS BAHAN KIMIA OBAT PARASETAMOL DAN FENILBUTASON PADA PRODUK OBAT TRADISIONAL DENGAN HPTLC-SPEKTROFOTODENSITOMETRI}, journal = {CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry)}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, year = {2019}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan validasi metode analisis secara simultan bahan kimia obat parasetamol dan fenilbutason yang terdapat pada produk obat tradisional dengan menggunakan high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)-spektrofotodensitometri. Validasi ini dilakukan dengan menentukan spesifitas, linieritas, presisi dan akurasi pengukuran. Spesifitas ditentukan dengan membandingkan profil analit dalam larutan baku, sampel dan spike. Selanjutnya, noda yang telah terpisah secara kromatografi lapis tipis discan menggunakan spektrofotodensitometer. Linieritas, batas deteksi (limit of detection, LoD), batas kuantitasi (limit of quantitation, LoQ) ditentukan dengan konsentrasi 25 – 700 ng/spot untuk parasetamol sementara 75 – 2100 ng/spot untuk fenilbutason. Presisi dan akurasi dilakukan dengan menambahkan baku campuran ke dalam larutan uji menggunakan satu konsentrasi dengan 6 kali pengulangan. Hasil validasi metode analisis parasetamol dan fenilbutason pada produk obat tradisional dengan HPTLC-Spektrofotodensitometri menunjukkan metode ini valid dengan spesifisitas, linieritas, batas deteksi, batas kuantitasi,  presisi dan akurasi yang memenuhi persyaratan.  The aim of this study was to validate the simultaneous analysis method of paracetamol and phenylbutazone contained in traditional drugs using high performance thin layer chromatography(HPTLC)-Spectrophotodensitometry. The validation was carried out by determination of the specificity, linierity, limit of detection (LoD) and limit of quantitation (LoQ), precision and accuracy. The specificity was determined by comparing the profile of analytes in standart solution, sample solutions, and spike. Further, the seperated spots on thin layer chromatograms were scanned using spectrophotodensitometry. The liniarity, LoD and LoQ were determined using 25 – 700 ng/spot of paracetamol concentrations while 75 – 2100 ng/spot of phenylbutazone concentrations. The precision and accuracy were determined by adding a centain concentration of the chemicals into sample solutions with 6 time of repetitions. The results showed that the simultaneous analysis method of paracetamol and phenylbutazone contained in traditional drug products with HPTLC- Spectrodensitometry is valid since the specificity, linearity, LoD and LoQ, and precision and accuracy of the analysis meet the requirements.}, issn = {2302-7274}, pages = {1--11}, url = {https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/cakra/article/view/51310} }