Zero-Point Field is the Cause for the Lorentz Transformations and Leads to Find Misconceptions about the Special Relativity

  • Abouzar Bahari Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Since the introduction of Special theory of Relativity (SR), Lorentz invariance has been a fundamental part of our description of nature. Over the past decades, this (Lorentz invariance) was tested and verified by many research groups and almost no Lorentz violation have been found. However, when we look at the Lorentz transformations, we can mathematically find that they are not symmetrical relations. In fact, the inertial frames are not symmetrical in relation to each other and as a result, there must be a reference frame. If the inertial frames are symmetrical in relation to each other, as the SR argues, some paradoxes and contradictions are happened. Hence, we need to find the misconceptions in this theory. Many researches up to now, focused on Zero-Point Field (ZPF) as a cause for many physical phenomena like mass, inertia, and gravity. One can argue that the Lorentz transformations can be applied only for the inertial frames, moving inside the ZPF and the inertial frames, being at rest in relation to the ZPF, must not bear the Lorentz transformations. In addition, we have found that the SR and General Relativity (GR) are not two separated concepts. They are one thing and the space-time of them are the same. In both cases, it is the ZPF, which curves around the accelerated body or a gravitational mass, causing changes in the body’s length, time, and mass.


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How to Cite
BAHARI, Abouzar. Zero-Point Field is the Cause for the Lorentz Transformations and Leads to Find Misconceptions about the Special Relativity. BULETIN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 14 – 26, feb. 2024. ISSN 2580-9733. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025. doi: