In connection with the publication in Bali Med J 2016, Volume 5, Number 2: 25-29, entitled "Intra-Arterial Heparin Flushing Increases Manual Muscle Test – Medical Research Councils (MMT-MRC) Score in Chronic Ischemic Stroke Patient "

  • Moh Hasan Machfoed Mailing List Indoneuro (Mailing list tempat berkumpulnya 1500 neurologists se Indonesia).
  • Fritz Sumantri Usman Mailing List Indoneuro (Mailing list tempat berkumpulnya 1500 neurologists se Indonesia).
  • Jimmy Barus
  • Budi Riyanto Wreksoatmodjo
  • Dede Gunawan
  • Andi Kurnia Bintang
  • Dodik Tugasworo
  • Gatot Subroto
  • Rusdi Lamsudin
  • H. Harsono
  • Riza Sulthan


In connection with the publication in Bali Med J 2016, Volume 5, Number 2: 25-29,
entitled "Intra-Arterial Heparin Flushing Increases Manual Muscle Test – Medical Research Councils (MMT-MRC) Score in Chronic Ischemic Stroke Patient ", herewith, please allow us to do reviews of the study discussion. By assessing the discussion, it can be proved whether there are references that support the results of study.


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How to Cite
MACHFOED, Moh Hasan et al. In connection with the publication in Bali Med J 2016, Volume 5, Number 2: 25-29, entitled "Intra-Arterial Heparin Flushing Increases Manual Muscle Test – Medical Research Councils (MMT-MRC) Score in Chronic Ischemic Stroke Patient ". BALI MEDICAL JOURNAL, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, june 2016. ISSN 2302-2914. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 sep. 2024.