@article{jbeta, author = {I Komang Gede Wijaya and Ida Ayu Gede Bintang Madrini and Ida Bagus Putu Gunadnya}, title = { Modifikasi Keranjang Biokomposter Sederhana untuk Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga}, journal = {Jurnal BETA (Biosistem dan Teknik Pertanian)}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, year = {2022}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstrak Modifikasi keranjang biokomposter sederhana dilakukan karena masih terdapat kekurangan yaitu tiang penyangga tidak kuat menopang jaring, jaring yang digunakan tidak kokoh, lubang jaring terlalu besar dan tidak adanya alas dudukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memodifikasi keranjang biokomposter hasil rancangan sebelumnya, menguji kinerja keranjang biokomposter sederhana skala rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu tahap memodifikasi bagian rangka dengan penambahan tiang penyangga, alas dudukan pada bagian bawah, selanjutnya mengganti jaring. Tahap kedua yaitu uji kinerja dengan pengomposan yang dilakukan selama 60 hari. Sampah organik rumah tangga dan sekam padi sebagai bahan baku dengan perlakuan: A1 (1:0), A2 (1:1), A3 (1:2). Kontruksi rangka dinyatakan aman karena dapat menopang beban kompos seberat 32 kg dengan tegangan (?) tarik rangka yaitu 0,275 N/mm2 yang lebih kecil dari tegangan (?) ijin bahan yaitu 48,1 N/mm2. Hasil modifikasi yaitu, memperkokoh rangka dengan menambah tiang penyangga sebanyak 4 buah, mengganti jaring dengan ukuran 0,5 mm, menambah alas dudukan berukuran 10 cm dari permukaan tanah. Berdasarkan hasil kinerja keranjang biokomposter hasil modifikasi menunjukkan bahwa ke 6 keranjang memiliki kinerja yang sama, untuk komposisi kompos yang paling baik dihasilkan pada perbandingan A1 (sampah rumah tangga tanpa campuran), karena bahan baku sampah rumah tangga sudah memenuhi syarat C/N rasio dari awal hingga akhir pengomposan. Abstract Modification of a simple biocomposter basket was carried out because there were still shortcomings i.e. the support poles were not strong enough to support the net, the net used was not sturdy, the net hole was too large and there was no seat base. The purpose of this study was to modify the previously designed biocomposter basket, to test the performance of a simple household-scale biocomposter basket. The research was carried out in two stages, namely the stage of modifying the frame with the addition of support poles, the base of the seat at the bottom, then replacing the net. The second stage is a performance test with composting carried out for 60 days. Household organic waste and rice hull as raw materials were treated with: A1 (1: 0), A2 (1: 1), and 3 (1: 2). The frame construction is declared safe because it can support a compost load of 32 kg with tensile stress (?) of the frame, which is 0.275 N/mm2 which is smaller than the allowable stress (?) of the material, which is 48.1 N/mm2. The result of the modification is to strengthen the frame by adding 4 support poles, replacing the net with a size of 0.5 mm, and adding a seat base measuring 10 cm from the ground. Based on the results of the performance of the modified biocomposter basket, it shows that the 6 baskets have the same performance, for the best compost composition is produced at a ratio of A1 (household waste without mixture) because the raw materials for household waste have met the requirements of the C/N ratio from the beginning to the end of composting.}, issn = {2502-3012}, pages = {134--145}, doi = {10.24843/JBETA.2023.v11.i01.p14}, url = {https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/beta/article/view/84377} }