Analisis Sidik Lintas Beberapa Karakter Komponen Hasil Terhadap Daya Hasil Padi Sawah Pada Aplikasi Agrisimba

  • WAGE R. ROHAENI Staf Peneliti Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Barat
  • KARSIDI PERMADI Staf Peneliti Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Barat


Pathway analysis is the further test after correlation test. Correlation between characters of plant
will be change in one field condition to other condition field. Correlation between characters on organic
or semi-organic farming system still studied limitedly included in our project about organic/semi-organic
farming. Agrisimba is the probiotic microbes, one of technology for decomposing straw rapidly. The
study was done on November 2011 – March 2012 in Sawah Kidul Village, Pasawahan – Purwakarta
District with “farmer participatory on farm research method”. Inpari 13 was the indicator variety and
Agrisimba was the treatment to decomposing straw rapidly in rice field to support organic farming
system as this topic study. Correlation analysis showed that plant high and value of pithy grain/tassel
have level of closeness significantly with yield character. On further test analysis showed that plant high
was the highest value of direct influence and 100 grain weight was highest value of indirect influence for
yield character.


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How to Cite
ROHAENI, WAGE R.; PERMADI, KARSIDI. Analisis Sidik Lintas Beberapa Karakter Komponen Hasil Terhadap Daya Hasil Padi Sawah Pada Aplikasi Agrisimba. Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, jan. 2014. ISSN 2654-4008. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 feb. 2025.


Agrisimba, correlation, direct and indirect influence, rice, yield